Thursday 5 May 2011

Donate today to help another Mustang to run free - Paypal:

....hope you will share this now..

We know we are only a small herd, but everyone who helps, also helps us bring another Mustang in to run free in the mountains and the beauty (believe us we get a lot of requests but cannot do it unless we have sponsors).

If you have the extra funds and want to help a "legit 501 c3" with a GRE...AT rep and references let us know.

Paypal: for help on salt, minerals, oats, bales, water pumps.

Choose from:
Mustang Kid $10
Ranch hand $20,
Wrangler $50,
Ranch Forman $100,
Herd Member $500,
Mustang herd $1000 .

Our humble hearts thank you. A'ho!


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